Bredhurst Values
(SPIRIT of Bredhurst)


S elf-control  
P erseverance
I nspiration 
R espect 
I nclusion 
T rust 





Our school’s SPIRIT Values are deeply rooted within the theology from the Bible; using the way that Jesus shared his teachings and messages through the use of Parables, the way he acted and the miracles he performed. Jesus knew that learning through stories was a strong way to share and teach important messages such as trust and inclusion.

At Bredhurst we mirrored this approach and chose five Biblical stories into which we nestle our values. These are about ordinary people who chose to help, forgive and trust; reflecting Jesus’ teaching and direction through and in their faith of God. This is what we at Bredhurst hope to provide for all the pupils, staff, parents and community. We hope to give everyone the opportunity to learn, and grow, through sharing our understanding of stories from the Bible to guide us in the right direction and under the love of God.

The five Biblical stories through which we embed our values are:


The Lost Son

Luke 15: 11-32 Self-Control

The Lost Sheep

Luke 15: 3-7  Perseverance &

The Good Samaritan

Luke 10: 25-37  Respect

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

John 6:1-14 Inclusion

Calming the Storm

Mark 4: 35-4  Trust




Each of these stories shares an important message which we feel help our pupils, staff, parents and community to grow and flourish in their lives.


We will continue to explore the elements, SPIRIT values and our school vision all encompassed by the Church of England vision:


Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good.


John 10:10 ‘I came that you might have life, life in all its fullness.'