School Policies



Safeguarding Policies

Date of Policy

Review Date

Anti-bullying Policy March 2024 March 2025
Behaviour Policy January 2023 January 2026
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy September 2023 September 2024
Disclosure and Barring Service Policy April 2022 April 2024
ICT Acceptable Use Policy March 2022 March 2024
Image Use Policy September 2023 September 2024

Keeping Children Safe in Education (Provided by the DfE) - *Updated

September 2023

Mobile Technology September 2023 September 2024
Prevent Strategy  September 2022 September 2026
Prevent Guidance
Social Networking Policy March 2022 March 2025
Social Media September 2023 September 2024




Other Policies

Date of Policy

Review Date

Academically More Able March 2024 March 2026
Accessibility Plan  April 2023 April 2026
Acts of Worship Policy January 2024 January 2025
Admissions Policy March 2023 March 2026
Attendance Policy  March 2023 March 2025
Behaviour Policy  January 2023 January 2026
British Values Policy July 2023 July 2026
British Values Statement
Charging and Remissions Policy  January 2023 January 2026
Complaints Policy March 2023 March 2025
Data Protection Policy April 2024 April 2025
Emergency Action Plan ( Swimming ) September 2021 September 2024
Equality Statement March 2021 March 2024
Equal Opportunities Policy January 2024 January 2026
Equality and Diversity Policy April 2023 April 2024
Equality Information and Objectives April 2022 April 2026
EYFS September 2021 September 2024
Food Policy July 2024 July 2025
Freedom of Information March 2023 March 2026
Governors' Allowances Policy September 2023 September 2025
Health and Safety Policy   April 2024 April 2025
Lettings January 2023 January 2025
Privacy Notice March 2024 March 2026
Public Sector Equality Duty Policy July 2022 July 2024
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement September 2023 September 2024
Relationships and Health Education March 2024 March 2025
Remote Learning September 2023 September 2024
SEND Policy March 2024 March 2025
Supporting Children with Medical Needs March 2024 March 2025
Uniform Policy September 2023 September 2024
Visits and Trips Policy November 2021 November 2024
Whistle-blowing Policy March 2023 March 2025
Working Alone Policy March 2023 March 2025


If you require a paper copy of any of the policies above.  Please contact the school office who will provide you with these free of charge.