Oakwood Class Home Learning



Alexis' super snowman.
Alexis' super snowman.
Having fun in the snow with mum.
Having fun in the snow with mum.

Tuesday 9th February is Safer Internet Day 2021.

If you use the link below, there are different activities for you to complete, all with the focus of TRUST.

'An internet we trust: exploring reliability in an online world'


You can navigate the website and see whether you want to read the top tips, watch the assembly or complete some of the activities.

Enter text...

Click on the folders below for home learning set for Oakwood class

Parent folder
 Monday's video link.docxDownload
 Task 1 - ANSWERS WRM.pdfDownload
 Task 1 -WRM worksheet.pdfDownload
 Task 2 - fluency - and answers.pdfDownload
 True or False Task.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Thursday 4th March - pm

Good afternoon,

Your maths work for tomorrow, learning about Imperial measures, is now uploaded. I have added 3 tasks; only move onto the third if you have found you are confident completing task 1 and 2. Please watch the video, the link is in the folder for tomorrow too, as that is where the explanation comes and allows you to understand and follow methods.

See you all tomorrow at 11am.

Take care

Miss Essenhigh

The worship for the children to watch from this morning is in the Wider Curriculum folder under WB 1st March and is called  It's Not Fair - Fairtrade.

Thursday 4th March

 Dear Parents and Carers,

I have added a document called Letter - P.E Questionnaire and one called P.E Questionnaire to the Wider Curriculum folder, WB 1st March. It is a task for the children to do that is from Mrs Green and will help us potentially with P.E resources and experience.

Could you please read the letter before your child completes the survey to check that you consent and are happy for them to complete it. 

If you are unhappy for your child to complete it, please do let me know so we can track who has and hasn't completed it. If you are unhappy for your child to take part, that isn't a problem.

I will explain what this is and how it will be used with the children on our live session at 11am.

Many thanks,

Miss Essenhigh

Tuesday 2nd March

 Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you've enjoyed planning your ending to Emma Carroll's chapter Turning The Tide.

I have added your maths work for Wednesday and Thursday - which is converting between miles and kilometres - which can be challenging, so please just try your hardest and persevere. We can go over anything you need to or need more practice with when you come back to school next week.


Take care,

Miss Essenhigh

Monday 1st March

Good morning everyone,


I have added a document into this week's maths folder called 'Converting units - poster'. This will help you to be able to calculate with measures as it will remind you of the rules and how to convert between length, mass and capacity.

I hope it is helpful.

See you at 9am for Mrs Cox's live worship.

Miss Essenhigh

Sunday 28th February

Good evening everyone,

I hope you have enjoyed your weekend.

Only one more week and then you will be returning to school - I'm sure you can't wait!

There is maths for Monday and Tuesday in the folder but not for the rest of the week just yet as I want to see how we get on with calculating measures before adding more work.

In the wider curriculum folder, there are 2 History/English lessons. They work on English skills but use History knowledge to do so; in this case, it is the Blitz of WW2.

In addition, there is a music lesson - the last in the sequence you have been completing - as well as 2 science lessons which are all to do with healthy living.

It really would be great for you to complete these sessions.

Our live session at 11am tomorrow will be UF and English. Could you please make sure you have printed The Easter Story - words and images document from last week's wider curriculum folder (if you haven't already done so) as we will definitely be using it. If you did print it for Friday, as I had planned on using it then, then you are all ready for the session.

There will be a live worship on Monday morning, led by Mrs Cox; one on Tuesday morning at 9am, led by me and also one on Thursday morning at 9am led by me. The link for Tuesday and Thursday's worships will be sent out tomorrow.

I look forward to seeing you at 11am tomorrow.

Take care,

,Miss Essenhigh

Friday 26th February

Good morning everyone,

If at all possible, could you please print out the document, which you will find in the Wider Curriculum Folder, under WB 22nd February called The Easter Story - words and images for our live session at 11am today. If you can't that is fine, you will just need to be able to open the document to see it on your screen when I ask you to complete the task during the lesson.


See you all at 11am.

Miss Essenhigh

Thursday 25th February

Can you believe that we are already nearing the end of our first week of this term - it has gone so quickly!!

This post is just to explain your maths for tomorrow. If you haven't finished Thursday's work on converting measures as you needed more practice, please complete that; if you have completed all of the work for this week, tomorrow (Friday) I would like you to complete the two assessment documents for decimals and percentages. They were our focus last term and it would be good for both me and you to see how much of that learning you are confident with and which areas you may still need some more work on.


If you could mark them and keep a note of your scores, I will ask that you share them with me next week.

During our live session tomorrow, which is Understanding Faith, I will explain what your independent English task is.


Take care everyone,

Miss Essenhigh

Wednesday 24th February

Thank you for such a great session this morning discussing the three chapters we have read independently.

Tomorrow, I look forward to hearing your points and research for and against the lighthouse at Budmouth Point being erased. Erased can mean knocked down, dissembled or camouflaged - you can consider all of these options if you would like to.

Look at slide 52 of the English power point to find the question we are writing a balanced argument about.

Also, as I said at the beginning of our session, this evening I will be adding alternative maths work for tomorrow. This is in case you found today challenging and are not ready to move onto reasoning and problem solving tomorrow, but need to continue to work on converting between the metric units.

See you all tomorrow,

Miss Essenhigh

Sunday 21st February

Good afternoon everyone, 

I hope you are well and have enjoyed a break away from your learning and feel ready and refreshed for the term beginning tomorrow.

In the folders, you will find this week's timetable, which I highly recommend you look at as it may help you to structure your week and also shows you all of the learning that is taking place both live and independently.

I have uploaded the maths work and the wider curriculum work - this being music and computing this week.

In the live sessions on Monday and Tuesday, we will be doing history together as this will inform our English. Don't see it that we don't have English on these days as we have an inter- linked curriculum in which we need to teach you historical or geographical knowledge (for example) in order that you can progress with and understand the text we are reading. The topic we are covering is also sensitive so best that we do it together in order that we can discuss and you have a forum to share and ask questions.


Mrs Cox is beginning our live Monday morning worships tomorrow at 9am - I look forward to seeing you all there.


Take care and I will see you for our live session at 11am tomorrow.

Miss Essenhigh


Thursday 11th February

A reminder that there are the history, science and music lessons in this week's folder for you to complete - they are very good so please do try them.


You should shortly be receiving an email with a link to tomorrow morning's live worship - this is as well as, not instead of, celebration worship, led by Mrs Cox tomorrow.


Tomorrow's schedule for live sessions:

 - 9.30am - live worship session

 - 11.00am - live lesson - end of term quiz

 - 2.00pm - live celebration worship


See you all tomorrow,

Miss Essenhigh

Tuesday 9th February - pm


Thank you to those of you who have sent me your writing from the perspective of the currant bun - you've done an amazing job!! Some of you will have received your feedback from me already and I hope are very pleased with it.

Can I remind those people who haven't sent it to me that it was due in by 4pm today.

If I don't receive your writing, I am unable to give you feedback on it.

Tuesday 9th February

Hello Oakwood,

And there have been more snow flurries overnight creating a gorgeous white blanket across the fields and paths - it really does look beautiful.

We want you to enjoy the snow again but do need some of your time for learning.

Please can you complete your maths work (I'm expecting this will be the work in Monday's folder as you weren't expected to do any work yesterday) and join our usual live English session at 11am.

One group has a live session with me at 2pm today also. We will strictly keep this to an hour, unless you are happy for it to be longer -  you can let me know during the live what works for you.


See you all soon,

Miss Essenhigh

Monday 8th February

Good morning Oakwood, 

I hope you enjoy your day with some time outside in the snow. Any pictures sent in from your adventures today will be added to our class page. I wonder what you will get up to.

Although there was a deadline of 4pm today for your currant bun writing to be sent to me, this no longer stands because there is no live learning today.

Can I ask that it be sent to me by tomorrow (Tuesday 9th February) at 4pm. Thank you to those people who have already sent it to me.

Take care and have fun!!


Miss Essenhigh

Sunday 7th February

There have been a few flurries of snow today and the temperature has most definitely dropped! It was -1 when I want for a walk with it feeling -4 according to MetCheck. It is due to be a very cold week indeed, with the temperature feeling as low as -8 on Wednesday or Thursday! We will all definitely need a hot drink to enjoy during our live sessions on those days.

I have been feeling like a very proud teacher indeed reading all of your pieces of writing from Cliff's perspective- they truly are great! I can't wait to read your writing from the perspective of the currant bun tomorrow; will there be lots of courageous currant buns or cowardly currant buns - I wonder!

When I have received your writing tomorrow, I will then mark that and send you back the feedback for both together as the learning intention for them was the same.


Uploaded is your Maths and Wider Curriculum learning for the week, along with this week's timetable that the children doing their learning at school will follow; you may like to follow the same schedule.

Our live sessions this week, like last, will include both an Understanding Faith session and a Life Skills session.

I look forward to seeing you this week.

Take care everyone,

Miss Essenhigh

Thursday 4th February

Thank you for such a great live today - I really enjoyed it!

Just a reminder of when work needs to be submitted.

Today (Thursday 4th February) by 4pm, I need you to submit your writing as Cliff.

Monday 8th February by 4pm I need you to submit your writing as the currant bun.

They will both be assessed against the same success criteria as they will be in the same style; the thing that is different, is the perspective your are writing from.


I can't wait to read them!!

See you all for our live tomorrow at 11am,

Miss Essenhigh

Wednesday 3rd February

Group 2 I am so sorry that we had to end the session early today but will pick it up tomorrow . The connection was so terrible that we couldn't have worked together to get anything done with the way it was with the glitching black screen and constant delays.

Tomorrow,I will make sure I am at home in the afternoon and then we won't run into any issues with the internet.

Thank you for your patience.

Group 2, I will see you tomorrow for a live zoom catch up at 3pm. You will receive a link from me for that later today.

Group 3, your live catch up time will be at 1.30 as usual.


See you tomorrow

Miss Essenhigh

Sunday 31st January 

Good morning Oakwood,

It is hard to believe that tomorrow we are in February! 

You have all done so well with your home learning and we are all so proud of you.

The maths tasks and wider curriculum tasks are in the folders for this week. I have included a timetable that you may like to follow this week. It is just a suggestion and is for those who have found getting into a routine tricky.

The maths this week is saved into the maths folder under Week beginning 1st February folder. You will have to scroll to the last page to find this as the folder is in alphabetical order.


I look forward to seeing you for our live Understanding Faith session tomorrow at 11am. We will also be discussing the English too.


Have a lovely afternoon everyone,

Miss Essenhigh


Friday 29th January

Good morning everyone,


If at all possible could you make sure have printed (or drawn out onto a piece of paper) the document in this week's English folder called, Friday - Plan of key points and atmosphere, for our 11am live session today.

We will be working on this together in the lesson in preparation for starting our writing.


See you all at 11am,

Miss Essenhigh

Thursday 28th January

What a beautifully bright afternoon it has been!

I have now met with you all in our catch up sessions this week to discuss the short extract, The Cave, and have been very impressed with your understanding and the discussion we have had about it.


Your maths for tomorrow is in the folder; an arithmetic paper to make sure you keep practising those methods and a puzzles and problems document which requires you to work logically and consider the possibilities. If you think there is more than one possible solution, work logically to find them all - don't settle for one answer.

There is also now an Understanding Faith folder on this page. Tomorrow our live session will be me introducing our new UF topic before directing you to an introductory task as the focus of the live session will be English and building up to our writing as Cliff.


See you all tomorrow,


Miss Essenhigh






Thursday 28th January

Dear All,


Please do not worry if you have found the consolidation task today tricky in maths. We will talk through it next week in our afternoon catch up sessions. I can explain the tasks and the maths that you need.

I underestimated how challenging the task is for you to do alone, without it being explained. My error!


Please don't let it cause you worry anyone!


See you all in our live tomorrow, which will be English and not Understanding Faith, as I explained in today's live.

Miss Essenhigh

Monday 25th January

 I forgot to mention during our live session this morning, that during our afternoon catch up sessions this week, we will be having a quick chat about the maths and then spending the majority of the time discussing The Cave - your comprehension task you should have done on Friday, last week.

Please make sure that for your session on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday afternoon, you have read and completed The Cave task.


Thanks everyone,

Miss Essenhigh

Sunday 24th January

 Good afternoon everyone,

Who saw the snow flurries today? I must admit, I am a little bit disappointed there wasn't more.

I have your week of learning ready in the folders for you.

Your maths has the same structure as we have since the beginning of term; there is an addition of a new folder, Wider CurriculumIn there, each week, I will add 3 lessons for you - which are taught by a teacher via a video and shared screen, with a power point. They come from Oak National Academy and are very good.

These are for you to complete during the week - maybe on the three afternoons you don't meet with me, for our catch up session, or join our celebration worship.

This week's sessions are as follows:

Science - How do scientific ideas change?

History - How did Hitler rise to power?

Music - Understanding Pulse and Rhythm


Simply open the documents, click on the link in them and the lesson is there, ready for you.I'm sure you will enjoy them and learn lots!

You can fire some questions at me about the content in our live lessons to see how much I know!!

Do remember that we have links to worships on the website each week and Joe Wicks is running his P.E with Joe on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 9am.


I look forward to seeing you at 11am for our live session tomorrow.

Have a lovely afternoon everyone,


Miss Essenhigh

Friday 22nd January

 Good morning everyone, 

What a crisp morning it is this morning!

We are almost at the end of our third week of home learning already; where have the weeks gone!

In the folders for today are an arithmetic paper for your maths session - an opportunity for you to practise those 4 operations with wholes, decimals and fractions. I look forward to hearing how you do. The answers are also saved in the folder for you to be able to mark your own work.


In your English time today, you have an extract from a story called, The Cave, and 2 pages of questions to check your understanding and comprehension of the text. Again, the answers are there for you so you can see how well you have done.


For our live today, we will completing our Understanding Faith unit with a guest speaker.


See you all at 11am,


Miss Essenhigh

 Thursday 21st January

 Good morning everyone,

I am looking forward to seeing you today during our live session. I can't wait to hear parts of your letters and discuss any questions you have.

Just a reminder that your letter needs to have been sent to me by 4pm tomorrow - Friday 22nd January - in order for you to receive feedback from me.


In addition, a reminder that you had an Understanding Faith task to complete from last Friday's session that I would also like to be sent to me by 4pm tomorrow. If you look back at the PowerPoint for last week's session, you can reminder yourself of what the choices of tasks there were. I'm hoping you've all done it already, as they shouldn't have taken too long.

I will print your work and stick it into your Understanding Faith book when I receive it.


Excitingly, we have a guest joining our Understanding Faith zoom tomorrow!


See you all at 11am,

Miss Essenhigh

Tuesday 19th January

Hello everyone, 

Just a reminder of how tomorrow will work for you. There is no live zoom session for you tomorrow. During your English time, you will continue to write a further few paragraphs of your letter - ready to share and discuss on Thursday's live zoom. Use the models, the suggested structure and success criteria to support you. Be kind to yourself and just try your best.


Your letter needs to be submitted to me by 4pm on Friday for marking and feedback.


Take care everyone and I will see you on Thursday,


Miss Essenhigh

Sunday 17th January

 Hi Oakwood,

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend. What a wash out it was on Saturday, but today the sun has shone - I even needed to wear my sunglasses on my walk today!

I have uploaded the maths for you all for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I will add Friday's later in the week when I know, from our afternoon live catch up sessions, how we have got on.

Please let me reiterate that I do not expect you to complete every level of challenge for each task. You do not need to complete Developing, Expected and Greater Depth - this isn't what you would do at school.


For Monday, there are 3 tasks. The 3rd task is for those who are really confident with the method, so if you find that after task 2 you can't do task 3, that is no problem, just stop there.

Group 2, who meet me on a Wednesday afternoon, I won't be able to meet you on Wednesday this week, unfortunately. I will send you a link for Thursday instead, at 2.30pm.

My usual Thursday group, your session will still go ahead at the same time as last week - 1.30pm.

Take care everyone and I look forward to seeing you for our live session tomorrow at 11am.


Miss Essenhigh

Thursday 14th January


Having started the English task with the children at school, I have realised that to do it well and with detail, is quite a task.

Please use your English time today and tomorrow to get this completed.

As we have a live session tomorrow which will be Understanding Faith focused, I don't want to also add more English for tomorrow.

We will be discussing the English task in our next English session on Monday.

 Just to reiterate - there will not be additional English work in the folder for tomorrow.

The work will be a maths tasks, completing the sources task from today and then joining the live sessions at 11am.


Take care

Miss Essenhigh

Thursday 14th January


What a super week it has been so far!

Thank you to those of you who have already joined me for the live afternoon 'check in' session where we have discussed your maths. I have my final group for the week, this afternoon at 1.30; I look forward to meeting with you.


Today's English powerpoint slides, along with the sources you will need (not until after the live session) to complete the tasks are also in the folder.


I look forward to seeing you all at 11am.


See you soon,

Miss Essenhigh

Wednesday 13th January

Good morning everyone,


The powerpoint for English, along with the recording sheet is now in the folder for you for today's work.

I look forward to seeing you live at 11am.

Take care,

Miss Essenhigh

Monday 11th January

Finally, the website is working again!

I have added the powerpoint and the sheet you can record your English onto today. If you have written on paper, that is absolutely fine.

We will be discussing all of the evidence for Sukie planning her disappearance, from chapter ,1 in the live session tomorrow.


Miss Essenhigh

Sunday 10th January

 Reflecting on our first week of home learning with live lessons each day, I feel so proud of how well you all adapted and the great learning that happened.

On Friday, you were all emailed your feedback for your writing task that you submitted - thank you everyone for doing this and getting it sent to me.

Tomorrow, during our live lesson at 11am, I will explain how the afternoons will work from this week with additional live sessions for you to join so that we discuss your maths and go through any issues or questions.

Please make sure you have read chapter 2, Make Do and Mend, ready for 11am tomorrow in order that you can get as much as possible from the discussion.


See you all tomorrow everyone,

Miss Essenhigh

Thursday 7th January

Thank you Oakwood for another great live English lesson this morning. Those of you who shared your sentences and monologues during the live session and those who have now submitted them to me by email this afternoon have worked very hard - well done!

Once I have received them all in tonight, I will be reading them and emailing you feedback within the next day or two. I am printing the work you send me and sticking it into your English books too, so we have a record of your great efforts and learning.

Your maths and English are now in the folder for tomorrow. The expectation for English tomorrow is for you to complete a comprehension task about Winston Churchill and a spelling game in the style of the t.v programme Pointless. These do not need to be submitted to me.

Comprehension: All 3 comprehensions are about Winston Churchill and are effectively the same. You only need to complete one of them. They range from 1 star being the simplest to 3 stars being the most challenging. You can choose the level you work at.

ISpelling: In order for the Pointless spelling game to work, you must play it as a slideshow.

You can choose at which time in the day you do your English tasks tomorrow.


Our live lesson tomorrow (Friday) at 11am will be Understanding Faith.


See you tomorrow everyone,


Miss Essenhigh


Wednesday 6th January

Hi Everyone,

I have just added a folder called, 'Additional Resources' in the maths folder. It has a range of different maths challenges and problems from the maths topics we covered in term 1 and 2.

Use these if you feel you need to stretch yourself and complete more than is in the day folder.


See you tomorrow at 11am.

Miss Essenhigh



Wednesday 6th January

What a great English session Oakwood - I really enjoyed it!

In the English folder is the updated version of the powerpoint to support you in your writing of Olive's monologue today. It is called the same as yesterday but has the addition of today's slides.

From slide 11 onwards are the slides from today's session - the ones before this are yesterday's learning.


Try your best with the writing and I look forward to you sharing them tomorrow.


Take care


Miss Essenhigh



Tuesday 5th January

 Thank you Oakwood for all attending our first live session. I will pick up in tomorrow's live on the tasks I've asked you to do today so we can share our ideas and understandings. On my slides, you will see tomorrow the answers and ideas from the children who have been at school too.

If you have any issues with the tasks, please just do your best and then we can pick up on them tomorrow when we share and chat.


Have a good afternoon everyone,


Miss Essenhigh




 Monday 4th January

 Hello Oakwood,

 I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas break!

We are back to home learning, with the addition of a live lesson each day.

The live lesson will be an English lesson - which is why you all have your own copy of Letters from the Lighthouse. Initially, at least, this will be via zoom, which you will receive an invite to very soon.

Each afternoon, I will add the next day's maths learning into the folders on here.

The English folder won't be used as much as our lesson will be live, with me talking you through, working with you and explaining the tasks. There will be times I will put English tasks into the folder, but I will let you know when this is.


I look forward to seeing you for our first live lesson at 11am on Tuesday 5th January.


Take care


Miss Essenhigh

Oakwood Class Contact Form

To contact Miss Essenhigh, during school hours, please complete this form