Hurstwood Class Home Learning


You can upload your child's work as a photo,  a word document or a powerpoint presentation in TEAMS assignments and then return them to me. I will send back a comment when I have seen them.

Parent folder
 2 and 3 digit x a 1 digit.docxDownload
 27.1.21 Year 3 and 4 Maths and spelling.mp4Download
 LI to idenitfy and use features of persuasive writing.docxDownload
 Persuasive letter plan.docxDownload
 Wednesday 27th January.pptxDownload
 Year 3 2 digit x a 1 digit.docxDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Look at our modroc animals in their rainforest habitats.

Take a break - have a snow day!

After half term, we will use Zoom for our live lessons. Work will continue to be set in Teams assignments.

Please get the meeting details from the Assignment.


Here are the opening verses of some of our rainforest poems.

The children in school have also written a Carnival poem in the same style.

Take a look


Hurstwood Class Contact Form

To contact Miss Meade, during school hours, please complete the form below.